Previous Semester
A long time since we last talked. Completed 5th semester and loved some of the courses a lot. Psychology of Well-being proved to be a very helpful which I think should be made institute compulsory. Optimal Spaceflight Control, Compressible Aerodynamics and Introduction to Aerospace Structures proved to be interesting and important for my future endeavour. Flight Mechanics was mostly based on Aeroplanes so can't say much but it introduced me to analysis of control and stability of a system. And I had taken High Energy Physics of Binary Star System just to get feel of Physics which I felt heavely¿
The Good Teacher
So, after the end of 5th semester, I planned to work on The Good Teacher. It is a project to use
Deep Learning model to learn concepts and then use the model to classify educational resources available on
internet to present make the resources more accessible and useful. I had spent a lot of time thinking about the
model and I am just close to finding the perfect one. I couldn't give much time to this project because of social
commitments and will continue working with 2nd priority in the next semester.
I am also currently working on my research topic: A general framework for solving invere kinematics problem using
Neural Networks. It's done but am busy perfecting the model. Will surely take remaining days of December.
Next Semester
Hopefully, the next semester is going to be on campus. I hope so. The rising cases of Omicron is a great concern and I fear everyday that I will not be able to go to campus. This fear is the worst. So, I took a lot of courses next semester. It's gonna be good. The courses are based on Rocket Propulsion, advanced course on Compressible Aerodynamics, Turbelence, Control (Real one) and Mathematics (another experiment). Can check the list of courses here: Coursework.
This page keeps updating, so don't forget to have a look at 8.0.
Enjoy !!
Have a look at previous versions of this page here: