Georgia Tech (PhD) Coursework
Semester I
Multivar Linear Sys&Ctrl
Nonlinear Control
IIT Kanpur (BT-MT) Coursework
Semester VIII
Sociology of Globalization
Experiments in Flight Mechanics
Nonlinear and Adaptive Control
Decision Making and the Brain
Aircraft Design-II
BTech Project
Applied Computational Dynamics
Semester VII
Aeromodel Design and Fabrication
Technical Communication
Rocket Propulsion
Experiments in Aerospace Engineering III
Aircraft Design-I
Introduction to Robotics
Special and General Relativity
Semester V
Psychology of Wellbeing
Compressible Aerodynamics
Flight Mechanics
Introduction To Aerospace Structures
High Energy Astrophysics of Binary Star Systems
Optimal Space Flight Control
Semester IV
Introduction To Electronics
Mechanics of Solid
Data Structure & Algorithm
Incompressible Aerodynamics
Experiments in Aerospace Engineering - I
Semester III
Introduction To Aerospace Engineering
Fluid Mechanics And Rate Processes
Complex Variables
Partial Differential Equations
Introduction To Psychology
Manufacturing Processes - I
Manufacturing Processes - II
Semester II
Physics - II
Mathematics - II
General Chemistry
Chemical Laboratory
Fundamental of Computing
Enjoy !!