Georgia Tech (PhD) Coursework
Semester I
  • Multivar Linear Sys&Ctrl
  • Nonlinear Control
IIT Kanpur (BT-MT) Coursework
Course Projects
Semester X
  • Finite Element Methods for Fluid Dynamics
Semester IX
  • Applied Numerical Methods
  • Basics of Modern Control Systems
Semester VIII
  • Sociology of Globalization
  • Experiments in Flight Mechanics
  • Nonlinear and Adaptive Control
  • Decision Making and the Brain
  • Aircraft Design-II
  • BTech Project
  • Applied Computational Dynamics
  • Aeroacoustics
Semester VII
  • Aeromodel Design and Fabrication
  • Technical Communication
  • Rocket Propulsion
  • Experiments in Aerospace Engineering III
  • Aircraft Design-I
  • Macroeconomics
  • Introduction to Robotics
  • Special and General Relativity
  • Manufacturing Processes
Semester VI
  • Aircraft Control Systems
  • Airbreathing Propulsion
  • Experiments In Aerospace Engineering - II
  • Unsteady Gas Dynamics
  • Turbulence
  • Space Dynamics I
  • Microeconomics I
Semester V
  • Psychology of Wellbeing
  • Compressible Aerodynamics
  • Flight Mechanics
  • Introduction To Aerospace Structures
  • High Energy Astrophysics of Binary Star Systems
  • Optimal Space Flight Control
Semester IV
  • Introduction To Electronics
  • Thermodynamics
  • Mechanics of Solid
  • Data Structure & Algorithm
  • Incompressible Aerodynamics
  • Experiments in Aerospace Engineering - I
Semester III
  • Introduction To Aerospace Engineering
  • Fluid Mechanics And Rate Processes
  • Dynamics
  • Complex Variables
  • Partial Differential Equations
  • Introduction To Psychology
  • Manufacturing Processes - I
  • Manufacturing Processes - II
Semester II
  • Physics - II
  • Mathematics - II
  • General Chemistry
  • Chemical Laboratory
  • Fundamental of Computing
Semester I
  • Physics - I
  • Mathematics - I
  • Engineering Graphics
  • Physics Laboratory
  • Introduction To Biology
  • Introduction To Indian Philosophy
Enjoy !!